In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Take the opportunity of this holy month of Ramadhan to increase our amal. One way is by reciting the holy Quran. If you want to finish reciting the Quran during Ramadhan, follow this advise; Recite 4 pages around the time of each fard solah (before or after). With this, insyaAllah you could finish approximately one juz' of Quran a day and by the end of Ramadhan, you would finish reciting the whole 30 juz' of Quran. Just keep consistent (istiqamah) and if you miss to recite at any particular time, cover the missed recitation (double up the pages) at any other time, after performing the tarawih, before going to bed or whenever you're free or even on the next day.
May Allah give us taufiq to perform this and covey it to others, amin.
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